B Trayal 3.5

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In this porn comic B Trayal 3.5 we can see how Asuna is at home waiting for a visit from someone very special and the doorbell rings, Asuna is going to open and suddenly she meets a dark-skinned man.

Asuna when he saw that man so tall and with a very big cock marked in his pants asked him what he wanted but the man pushed her and entered the house closing the door and telling him that he wanted to fuck her, Asuna did not know what to do and He said that if he wanted to fuck her, he would have to pay her because his job was, the dark-skinned man told him that he could pay her if she did her job well and Asuna agreed to fuck him.

When the man took off his pants and showed him his huge black cock, Asuna was scared of how big he was and the man told him not to be afraid because he would take it too slowly so as not to hurt him, Asuna calmed down when he heard the words of the dark-skinned man and told him that it would be a pleasure for her to fuck him, the man told him to put himself in the pose of the puppy and when Asuna was put in the pose that indicated the man suddenly noticed the entire cock of the Dark-skinned man stepped into her entire pussy and screamed in pain and the black man told him that if he paid her he could do whatever he wanted with her.

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