Twisted Twisted Treeline is a LOL Hentai comic in which we can see how Zed and Tahm Kench are fighting. Zed has Tham cornered and he launches his last attack.
The shadow ninja cuts his tongue with a single blow and throws himself to kill him, but at that moment Kalista throws his ulti and saves Tham Kench from a horrific death. Tham thanks him, but what he didn’t know is that it was already too late. Zed had left a mark of death and after 3 seconds the giant frog exploded into a thousand pieces. Kalista sad and furious prepared to attack Zed.
He threw many spectral spears, which were gradually digging into the ninja’s body. When he had many lamzas, he activated his ability and the spears tore his armor. Zed was naked and lying on the floor. Kalista approached at that moment and put his foot on the ninja’s cock. Zed and Kalista began a sexual fight, to see who was the boss in sex.
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