Saving Princess Marco – Palcomix

Saving Princess Marco 01 Saving Princess Marco 02 Saving Princess Marco 03 Saving Princess Marco 04 Saving Princess Marco 05 Saving Princess Marco 06 Saving Princess Marco 07 Saving Princess Marco 08 Saving Princess Marco 09 Saving Princess Marco 10 Saving Princess Marco 11 Saving Princess Marco 12 Saving Princess Marco 13 Saving Princess Marco 14 Saving Princess Marco 15 Saving Princess Marco 16 Saving Princess Marco 17 Saving Princess Marco 18 Saving Princess Marco 19 Saving Princess Marco 20 Saving Princess Marco 21 Saving Princess Marco 22 Saving Princess Marco 23 Saving Princess Marco 24 Saving Princess Marco 25

Marco and Jackie went to a movie, they saw a terrible movie because he couldn’t find tickets for a better one, anyway, they had a good time together, Jackie invited her girlfriends to join them; Marco wished he could just fly away to get some privacy with Jackie. Suddenly a ray was pulling him up into a space ship, girls tried to catch him but the ray pulled up all them. Star told them that it was Martinax’s space ship, the Interdimensional Procurer, and when she said “procurer” she means Interdimensional Pimp.

Slave girly boys pimp
Later, Martinax was glad about the catch she has had that day, she wasn’t expecting a Mewnian princess with a magic wand; it was an extra prize. Marco yelled Matinax to let their friends go, he was not afraid of facing her alone, Martinax pushed a red button and the girls flew out of the space ship; Marco was in real trouble, Martinax wasn’t “that” kind of pimp, she was a slave girly boys pimp. Matinax put Marco in a capsule machine to transform him into a girly boy. Martinax sat Marco in the brainwashed princess’ trainer to become a cute femboy.

The Crossing
Star needed to get the interdimensional scissors to rescue Marco, girls used the scissor and went into the Fornicatus dimension, they needed to cross the Valley of the Tentacles, they faced Ilsy, the Derange BDSM mistress, and finally crossed Martinax’s garden. It wasn’t easy to pass through the Valley of the Tentacles but Star used the Cockulous Block card to defeat them; tentacles hate magical sensor pixels on girls’ bodies. Girls needed to be careful to pass through the next stage, Star told them to be quiet, Ilsy could use her traps but when she turned back she saw girls were already fell in the trap, Ilsy apprehended Star too but she could escape with the femedom power.

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